The UK Evaluation Society

Priority Booking for Members

New Member Benefit!

Recently our training wait lists have been growing faster than we can open up new training courses! This is fantastic and we are working as hard and fast as possible to get more instances of the most popular courses on the calendar with our amazing trainers.

Due to the very high demand for some of our courses we are implementing a new wait list and notification process.

  • A wait list will only be opened up once an available course is fully booked, and will reserve a first-come-first-served spot should a cancellation open up a seat.
  • Courses that are coming soon, but dates not locked in, will appear on the bottom of the Events page, but you will not be able to request to be on the wait list for that course.

Our wait list will no longer provide early notification and early booking access to our training events. Rather, our members will enjoy a priority booking period on all new training courses and non-member bookings will commence a few weeks later. The exact dates of member booking and general booking will be noted on each event on our website and the booking portal will automatically enforce this.

We will no longer send emails out notifying when course dates are set. The dates will be published online on our Events page and announced in our twice-monthly Events Listing email, which is available to both members and non-members at no cost.

Expressing interest in a course that is not currently on our website is always welcome and will help us continue to offer relevant and interesting courses to our members and non-members. Feel free to email us on and let us know what courses you would like to see (or see more of).​