Get Involved

The UK Evaluation Society exists for and through its members: working together

Members’ involvement in the Society’s activities helps us to build a more vibrant and effective professional community for evaluation. There are several ways that members can participate in and benefit from our activities.

UK Evaluation Society Annual Conference

Our annual conference is one of the easiest ways to get involved with the UK Evaluation Society. Each year, it brings together over 200 evaluation practitioners, academics and commissioners. It provides a great opportunity for evaluators to showcase their work, learn about current trends and innovation in evaluation, listen to inspirational talks from leading evaluators and discuss issues, ask questions and network.

Communications and social media

All members are invited to contribute evaluation news and updates for sharing through our member eBulletins, social media and our website blog. There are also opportunities to publish articles through our Society magazine, Evaluative Practice.

We have an active Twitter account – @UKevaluation – and LinkedIn discussion forum for interacting with the Society and between members.

We also encourage the sharing of academic research findings and we are affiliated with the peer-reviewed journal, Evaluation: The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice

Training and events

The UK Evaluation Society has a range of training events open to evaluators, researchers, commissioners, and all interested in the field of evaluative practice. Our programme is currently focused on specific methods, but plans are underway to expand to include other aspects of evaluation. Experienced evaluators can support the Society by signing up to offer training or help deliver training.


By joining the UK Evaluation Society Council, members can influence the direction and scope of the Society. Elections are held each year.

To find out more about the roles and responsibilities of Council membership see here.

Opportunities to Contribute

The Society is always interested to hear from members who would like to:

  • develop and lead a special interest group on a particular topic of evaluative practice.
  • develop and lead a community of practice series
  • offer a topic for and/or chair a webinar
  • help with marketing and communications to advertise the benefits of The Society
  • support our events and training programme

Please contact us at to get involved!