Results of Council Elections 2024
We are delighted to announce the results of the UK Evaluation Society Council Elections that were held between the 12th and 29th of April 2024.
We would like to thank everyone who voted, with special thanks to those who put themselves forward for election. Congratulations to the four successful candidates for Council membership: George Bramley, Faye Gracey, Christoph Koerbitz and Giulia Torella. Fiona Larner has been appointed as Secretary of the Society (uncontested). This group will bring a fantastic range of skills and experience to the Society over the coming years.
We are extremely grateful to our outgoing Council members. We thank them for their service and huge contribution to the Society – especially during a period of considerable growth and development. Those standing down from the Council are: Matthew Baumann, Jackie Chandler and Colin Jacobs. Matthew Hill is standing down as Secretary.
The current Council has 10 members:
- Kirstine Szifris (President)
- Jonathan Patrick (Treasurer)
- Fiona Larner (Secretary)
- George Bramley (Council member)
- Faye Gracey (Council member)
- Christoph Koerbitz (Council member)
- Laura Maio (Council member)
- Jessica Ozan (Council member)
- Cormac Quinn (Council member)
- Giulia Torella (Council member)
These Council members will transition into a Board of Trustees, if the Society registers as a charity in the coming months.
There were four positions on Council up for election this year, plus the position of Secretary of the Society. We received seven applications to become Council members and one application to become Secretary. All of the applications were reviewed by a Nominations Committee made up of current Council members. All applications were deemed to meet the requirements of the roles. The Secretary role was, therefore, appointed without election. The seven Council member applications were put to a vote of all members between 12th and 29th of April 2024. Sixty-two complete ballots were received.