Council is the governing body of the UK Evaluation Society. It represents evaluative practice across different sectors, disciplines and career stages.
The Society is currently seeking charitable status, at which point the Council would become a Board of Trustees.
Council Members have a very important role directing and supporting the Society to operate, including planning Conferences, events, training, AGM and advising how to improve the Society’s services.
Elections to Council take place each year and all members of the Society are eligible to apply, requiring a proposer and a seconder among existing members.
Council Members from 1st May 2024
- Kirstine Szifris – President
- Jonathan Patrick – Treasurer
- Fiona Larner – Secretary
- George Bramley
- Faye Gracey
- Christoph Koerbitz
- Laura Maio
- Jessica Ozan
- Giulia Torella
- Cormac Quinn