17 July 2024

12:30pm BST

Members Only

Members-Only: 2024 Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

Notice is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting (“Meeting”) of the UK Evaluation Society (the “Society”) will be held at 34 Heol Ty Newydd, Cilgerran, Pembrokeshire, SA43 2RT and electronically via ZOOM on Wednesday 17th July at 12:30pm.

You will be asked to consider and vote on the resolutions below. Resolution 1 will be proposed as a special resolution.

The Council is proposing Resolution 1 as a special resolution to update the Articles of Association of the Society.  As you are aware, the Society is in the process of registering with the Charity Commission of England as Wales as a charity.  As part of this process, the Society is required to update its Articles of Association so that they are compliant with charity law and best practice.  A copy of proposed new Articles of Association are enclosed with this Notice and have been accepted by the Charity Commission.  As a next step, the Members of the Society will need to pass a special resolution formally adopting the new Articles of Association. The Charity Commission will then proceed to enter the Society onto the Register of Charities and issue it with a charity registration number.

The Meeting will also address the following business:

An opportunity to meet and network with the new and continuing UKES Council members including our new President, Kirstine Szifris.


  1. THAT the Articles of Association attached to the Meeting Notice are hereby approved and adopted as the Articles of Association of the Society in substitution for and to the exclusion of all existing Articles of Association.

Voting on all resolutions will be conducted using voting tools in Zoom.

As soon as practicable following the meeting, the results of the voting will be announced by email to members and on our website: www.evaluation.org.uk


Members who cannot attend the Meeting may appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote at the Meeting on their behalf.  The form required to appoint a proxy is attached to this Notice and includes explanatory notes on how to complete the form and return it to the Society, by the deadline of Monday 1st July 2024.


Members who have general queries about the meeting should contact the Society by emailing hello@evaluation.org.uk (no other methods of communication will be accepted).


Registration is required so that we can ensure quorum and to accommodate online, in-person and proxies.


The link to the Zoom meeting will be provided 1 day prior to the meeting. If you do not receive a confirmation email after booking on or do not receive the Zoom details, you have not successfully registered.

Online self-registration closes at 2pm Tuesday 16 July 2024. If you would like to join the meeting and need to register after this time, please email hello@evaluation.org.uk in order to have your membership confirmed and to get Zoom log-on details.

  • Member – Online: attending via Zoom
  • Member – Proxy: NO LONGER ABLE TO REGISTER FOR PROXY, Deadline was 1 July 2024
  • Member – In-Person: attending the in-person in Cilgerran, Pembrokeshire

You must register for the format in which you plan to attend/participate. If you need to change your booking type, contact us on hello@evaluation.org.uk.


If you need assistance with registering or require any accommodations in order to attend the EGM, please contact the staff team on hello@evaluation.org.uk and we will assist you any way that we can.

Please note, this event will be recorded for internal purposes only to ensure we document the vote correctly. The recording will NOT be distributed.