28 September 2022
How to assess the quality of evidence ? – FULLY BOOKED – reservations being taken for next course
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in establishing evidence standards, and with an increasing focus on assessing the quality of evidence for case-based or qualitative approaches to evaluation. Developing and using such standards can help to build greater confidence in qualitative evidence and help users to make sense of large volumes of data within or across projects.
This half a day, online training is designed to help participants to understand key criteria and standards to assess evidence quality, particularly geared towards qualitative and case-based approaches to evaluation – and why those criteria and standards are credible, important and useful. It will help participants to put this understanding into practice to select relevant criteria and develop fit-for-purpose standards. It will also support participants to develop scales and rubrics across projects for portfolio-level analysis.
Who is this for?
Evaluation commissioners, researchers and evaluators.
About the trainers:
Dr Tom Aston – Independent Consultant. He has 14 years’ experience working in evaluation. Among other consultancies, he is currently the Principles Strand Lead at Integrity Global for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office’s (FCDO) Conflict Security and Stability Fund (CSSF).
Dr Marina Apgar is a human ecologist with 20 years’ experience working directly with marginalised communities in international development. She is currently Research Fellow at IDS (a core member of the Centre for Development Impact), the impact and evaluation lead for the Tomorrow’s Cities UKRI GCRF Hub and director of evaluation and learning for FCDOfunded CLARISSA programme.
Both of them are skilled trainers and facilitators of research and evaluation methods and approaches