
Whether you are an experienced evaluator or a relative newcomer, and individual member or part of a Group membership, the UK Evaluation Society offers numerous opportunities for individuals to become part of a wider community of practice and develop professionally.

The Society offers our members the following opportunities and benefits:


We offer a variety of events, from formal webinars to more informal discussions, for you to engage on topics of interest and also share your experience.

We have several members-only recurring events, such as EvalNatter and Evaluator’s Coffee Roulette.

Our webinars are open to members and non-members alike, but we have recently introduced exclusive, members-only perks. Members now receive exclusive access to webinar recordings for a period of 1 year from the date of the original, live webinar. Where possible, these recordings also include the Q&A session content. (After one year, the webinars are published for general, non-member access without Q&A content.) Members registered for the webinar will also receive exclusive access to the slides/handouts from the presentation.

Blogs and Articles

You can submit blogs for the website and articles for publication in the in-house journal, Evaluative Practice.


You can build your evaluation network through meeting members at any of our events or specifically through Coffee Roulette where you sign up and we link you with another member.  The Society has links with other Evaluation Societies and networks; we also encourage members to use our range of events to share learning, ideas and innovation.

Professional Development

The Society offers a growing range of training for professional development.

Members receive discounted rates for :

  • The UKES Annual Conference
  • Most UKES training courses
  • Evaluation – SAGE Journal