Evaluation Capabilities Self-Assessment
The UK Evaluation Society and HM Treasury in the UK have both produced self-assessments of evaluation capabilities, but with different audiences in mind.
UK Evaluation Society
The Evaluation Capabilities Self-Assessment has been designed to support the self-reflective process of Voluntary Evaluator Peer Review (VEPR) but it is also open to any evaluators who wish to self-assess their skills and practice. The capabilities are those listed in the UK Evaluation Society’s Capabilities Framework originally published in 2012.
The Framework takes a broad view of evaluation as a social, ethical, political practice. It comprises three primary domains: evaluation knowledge, professional practice and the qualities and dispositions required by an evaluation practitioner. It addresses issues related to evaluation values, ethics and theory, demonstrating cultural and gender awareness and ethical sensitivity to specific socio/political contexts. It also draws attention to the highly developed skills and attributes evaluators need to have to manage and balance different interests in an evaluation (such as effective negotiating skills, self awareness, and ability to defend the integrity of an evaluation). The Framework itself was designed to complement the Society’s Guidelines for Good Practice in Evaluation which set out the principles that underpin quality in the commissioning and conduct of evaluation.
HM Treasury
The HM Treasury self-assessment is an annex to the Government Analytical Evaluation Capabilities Framework published in 2020 and accompanies the latest revision of the Magenta Book. It describes the technical competencies required by Government analysts involved in scoping, management, selection of methods and using and disseminating evaluations. This framework touches on issues relating to values, ethics and personal qualities required, but also notes where these are covered by other ethical and competency frameworks used by their analytic services.
In referencing the UK Evaluation Society’s Framework of Evaluation Capabilities, the Treasury notes that the UK Evaluation Society Framework covers similar content, but with application to the wider UK evaluation community.